Monday, December 8, 2008

Pick up some Momentum this Holiday season

Most of you who follow Weight Watchers have, by now, heard of the new Weight loss plan. Those who haven't will soon enough. Can I just say...YESSS!!! This plan combines the best of both Flex and Core in a nice little package. It's also the plan that many successful members have been using without knowing it. We've been calling it Flore, for the most part.

For Flex members, you continue to experience the benefits associated with the points system, portion control and the accountability of tracking. Did you know that those who track lose 50% more weight than those who don't. What a great motivator to make this second nature.

For Core members, you continue to experience the benefits of eating a wide variety of high energy-density foods and continue to benefit from understanding your own hunger signals.

Now all members get to experience all of the benefits. Oh, and there's now a focus on lean proteins and activity. Not that these weren't there before, but it's nice to see them front and centre with everything else. What else is new...subtle wording change in your 6 glasses of liquids, but please keep in mind that water is still the best way to hydrate your little 'ole self.

Have fun learning the 'new' plan. Or re-learning old lessons in new ways. Either way, there's now one plan for all, and to all a good lifestyle change.


Anonymous said...

I'm a fellow WWer and I totally agree that Momentum seems to encapsulate the best aspects of each of the old plans. I wonder if any former Core members are going to feel upset about having to track Points now, though?

Deborah said...

Sounds like the new WW plan just might be a good one. Hope the members think so too.

Natalie said...

i am so excited about the new plan (more for some of my frustrated friends than for me), i have been doing 'flore' for a while now and it has really helped me to be successful! i just hope this excitement helps me make it through the holidays!

Year 2 - May 28/08-Current