Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Starting the Process

Well, this is about my Journey to Thin! But first, some background on my journey to Big.

At 27 I became pregnant with bambino #1. At 5'6" and 140lbs I didn't usually give much thought to my weight, what I ate or anything to do with exercise. By the time my daughter was 6 months, I was back in my size 10, some 12. Not sure what happened after that - metabolism change, I suppose. By Fall of 2002 I was 170 lbs and became pregnant with bambino #2. Giving birth at 205lbs I vowed never to go over 200 again, but did nothing different that I've ever done.

So, on May 19, 2007 I got a set of dial scales for home. I weighed in at 190 and began to crash diet. I HAD to lose this weight. It had been creeping on for 7-8 years and I was now buying size 16, sometimes 18. By Wednesday the 23rd I realized that I needed support. In the previous weeks I had run into two different ladies I hadn’t seen in a while. They looked great – both had informed me that they lost their weight with Weight Watchers and exercise. It turns out there are Wednesday night meetings in my community. I took that as a sign and attended, weighing in at 186. My first goal is to reach 175 by July 4.

I am now in week 5 and weighed in last week at 178.4. I am on the flex plan. In early June I came across Roni's Weight Watchen page and got a lot of motivation there, including the idea to start my own blog, but it wasn't until her site went down and I saw everybody else creating new ways to stay in touch that I was really motivated to do this. While she's busy re-building, I thought it would be nice to join other Weight Watchen ladies here.

My favourite weight loss tips that I have found:

  1. Bury rarely used items in the crispers and leave your fresh fruit on the easy-access shelves of your refrigerator.
  2. Superstore Blue Menu items. Not a tip - well, I'm sure glad we have them.
  3. Frozen fruit and vegetables to bulk up, well, anything from cereal to a Blue Menu frozen dinner.
  4. Breakfast is very important. Share this wonderful time of day with your children. It's worth waking up early for. (OK, that's not a tip, just an observation on my part - and it helps keep those lines of communications open with the 9 year-old going on 16).
  5. Weight training can be obtained by carrying the trike back home after a walk (OK, maybe another observation, but how else am I going to get AP points while walking at pre-schooler pace).
Well, that's enough for first time out.
Cheers, Candace

1 comment:

Swizzlepop said...

Glad you found us over here and started a blog. I've just added you to my list, thanks for adding me to yours !:) You're almost at your July 4th goal. Keep up the good work!

Year 2 - May 28/08-Current