Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blessed Miracle

Steph, bless you for commenting yesterday. It turns out that I could pop right back up to 190 lbs and it wouldn't affect my maintenance as long as I am 152 or less at the end of 6 weeks. Guess I knew that from Swizz, but didn't want to test it.

Well, as could be expected after my premature freak-out yesterday, I lost. Does anyone really understand the scale? Not me. But, I try to analyze so here goes:

1) Sometimes your body just needs a 'shock' and I certainly provided one for it.

2) Hard to say, but maybe approx. 450g of chocolate over 3 days actually worked into my points for the week. And maybe turning down a second plate of pasta was a good thing. And maybe using tiny WW tortilla's for burritos is a good thing too.

3) I am fearful that I am currently losing more muscle than fat since I have been 2 weeks away from the gym. I do have dance/yoga tonight though. I have just got to remember that I want my 'waist' to move down another 2 inches.

4) Maybe it was just the WW Gods. I know Becky is a believer. They are usually only kind for 1 week at a time, though, so I better get planning.


Unknown said...

So how much did you lose?? Come on girl - toot that horn!!

You should remember that you have built up some muscle and it helps keep things burning! Not to mention you just freakin' awesome!

Way to go!

Anonymous said...

You'll get that muscle back and it will burn more fat. I have found, in the past, that the WW gods MIGHT be nice 2 weeks in a row but that's about it. Shocking your body does work, sometimes you really do just have to mix it up a bit.
I'm so far behind in my reading, so how far are you from Lifetime? Clearly less than 6 weeks, you are almost there!

HappyBlogChick said...

Yay for the loss! Congrats!

Let us praise the diet gods.

Unknown said...

Hey - thanks for stopping by and posting about my HR issues. I have been able to hit 500 calories consistently over the last few workouts but I am having to sweat like a pig and really "dig" for it. If nothing else this whole HR monitor issue has helped me realize that I have to really bust it to get it done. I think I was getting a bit complacent!

((HUGS)) and don't be a stranger!

Year 2 - May 28/08-Current