Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cardio completed

Last night I did about half hour of abs and lower body cardio. I was a sweaty mess and thought my legs would give out a couple of times. Abs - can you say ow. I didn't finish the whole abs session, but did around 65% of it before switching up to the lower body workout.

Lwr body is actually quite simple, starting with some jumping jacks and mixing up marching and walking the stairs with a few minutes of other leg activities thrown in periodically, but not sporadically. Alternating lunges are not so bad, but do them when you're already half taxed and try to stay vertical. Afterwards I downed my new evening snack, a loverly protein shake. It wasn't so tasty the one I made last night. Soy protein powder mixed with water. On Strength days I'll add milk as a reward, but think I'll toss in a packet of splenda next time it's water-only.


Anonymous said...

Blech! That sounds like a gruelling routine. I hate sweating and I hate pain. And then soy protein powder to finish it off? You must be one determined lady! ;^)

Swizzlepop said...

Great job! What kidn of soy protein are you using? Can you try a flavored one?

Year 2 - May 28/08-Current