Monday, January 7, 2008

Weekends, Friends and *ugh* Work

Saturday was awesome. We did...nothing. As my big bro says, "That's life in the slow lane." Some groceries, some tidying and some tree untrimming. It's ALL good.

I also got a good strength training session in on Saturday morning, a walk in the snow with Baloo and ate mini-meals all day. 27 pts and I picked at healthy options constantly. I won't list the details, but one of my favourity new breakfasts includes cottage cheese and frozen fruit or berries mixed together. I had moved from putting it on waffles to WW toast to just enjoying it on its own. Including Saturday I've had c.c with mixed field berries, then LF peach jam, and this morning with thawed pineapples. Soooo good.

On Sunday I picked up some 10lb weights as I'm more than ready to kick it up a notch on several exercises in my schedule. We'll be switching the routine up next week as well. I'm currently doing 4 supersets of 3 exercises with 3 reps of 10 with around 30 second breaks between sets and 60 between the supersets. I should probably have even heavier weights for some of the leg moves but I'm still toying with the gym membership idea, at least for the winter. I have trouble getting in my cardio sessions and really think this will help until I can get a treadmill at home.

I got together with some girlfriends I haven't seen in a couple of years and it was so nice. We went out to eat and, well, I won't blog about the food but to say I really, really enjoyed it and hope my estimate is high. I met the girls when I moved in with my brother and his wife in 1987. I only lived in the city a few months and it's amazing to me that this friendship we share has lasted 2 decades. To explain, I don't keep in touch with anyone that I graduated with in 1989, with no one I went to university with, or any of my friends from various times in my life. I was a base brat to a large extent (not really since I was 9 when Dad got out of the forces, but there was still that mentality in my family and, especially, me) and I would move, meet people, move, keeping in touch for a while but it always pettered. Anyway, with these 2 it's always like home to me - like we could see each other everyday or once a year or less and that's OK. The only other people that are like that for me are my family. So, after all that, it was really nice to catch up with them, see Ps new house and pictures of Hs children.

Then I headed in to the office to catch up on some stuff. Still here tonight (Monday) and thought I'd take a moment to post. I hope everyone had a great weekend and have a plan for the week ahead. For me, Tuesday is going to be food prep while Ci is at dance class, so I'm looking forward to that.


The Price's Wife said...

Wow. Sounds like you are at it! Way to be on plan!

Carolyn said...

I don't know if I thanked you for sending me that great plan for strength training. I've looked it over and it looks really great. Thank you!!

It's so great to have friend slike that. I have a about 4 girls from high school that I see once every few months and it's just like I talk to them everyday. Although some of us have moved away so we don't see each other as often, as soon as they are home for the Holidays, it's like old times. Hope you had a wonderful time!

Candace MacPherson said...

Carolyn, Corrine has lots of free stuff like that on her site. Just click the PhitnPhat under My Support System. It sounds like the classes you'll be taking will give some great strength training as well. I just really enjoy the weights.

Randi said...

Um, doesn't superset mean that you don't take a break in between the 2 exercises? (wait- there are 2 ways to superset, using 2 different muscle groups, squats with chest press, or the 2 exercise same muscle groups, dips and tricept kickbacks.) for the 2 muscle groups version, I thought the idea was to move directly in to the next exercise? Maybe you're doing the other kind.
Either way I guess it's still a good workout!

Randi said...

Um, doesn't superset mean that you don't take a break in between the 2 exercises? (wait- there are 2 ways to superset, using 2 different muscle groups, squats with chest press, or the 2 exercise same muscle groups, dips and tricept kickbacks.) for the 2 muscle groups version, I thought the idea was to move directly in to the next exercise? Maybe you're doing the other kind.
Either way I guess it's still a good workout!

Year 2 - May 28/08-Current