Friday, November 23, 2007

Quantifiable Goals

  1. Join PhitnPhat - Done. Check our Corrine's blog if you're reading this
  2. Exercise 5 of 7 days for min 30 mins each, 3 cardio, 2 Strength Training days: Thurs (dance/yoga 90 mins), Fri (ST with No weight and 10 oz wts) - 2/5 complete
  3. Food: focus on core (whole) foods. Limit WPs to 25 and eat APs on the day you earn them (fell short on Thurs)
  4. Journal: write before you bite - calculate pts before eating. For late nights at office, be sure to bring second dinner.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Great plan! that should help you get through the Holidays! I'm thinking about upping m gym time too to ward off any Holiday gain!

Year 2 - May 28/08-Current