Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Neat Table

OK, I did a thingy on Sparks for my daily eats yesterday and this is what I got:

Not sure what all this means, but for my calories, fat, protein I seem to be in the range for everything according to the accompanying table. The chart is kinda cool. Tells you where you are vs. where somebody says you should be. It's a hard balance, boy.


Colette said...

yeah thats cool you can also go to and they have an awesome thing where you enter in all your food and it calculates it all for you....I keep hearing people talk about this I think it is...guess I am going to have to check it out.


Unknown said...

congrats girly!!! you totally deserve those huge losses ur posting...oh and the chart thing is way cool...actually, i love everything abt sparkpeople ;)

Year 2 - May 28/08-Current